This is the strangest November I’ve ever had in my life! Yes, it’s a bit due to the 2nd lockdown in Greece but also in the world in general. But above all, it is the weather we have here in Thessaloniki. Only yesterday our heating turned on automatically (we have it on automatic mode, based on temperature) and if we didn’t have the windows open, it might not have turned on. At noon, however, when it’s sunny, I take my coffee and sit at the sun to sunbathe and get vitamin D, since I missed it this year as we didn’t go on vacations by the sea this summer. They say that vitamin D helps the body a lot in shielding the immune system against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 infection. Anyway, I’m enjoying my coffee in the sun, which I can do now that I’m not in the office at this time of the day due to the curfew.

Let’s emphasize the positive points of this whole situation, instead of just complaining! We stay indoors more with our family. We have the opportunity to be together with the whole family, spend time together and do simple things like eating together at the table and communicating. A simple situation, that due to work obligations, school and the children’s extracurricular activities, we were lucky to experience it just once a week, every Sunday. Another opportunity we are given during this period is to learn doing something new, such as handicrafts, recipes, or computer programs.

If you are one of those who want to learn new recipes, you are in the right place!

I went to my kitchen to make a toastie and a salad just for myself as I had made pasticcio for the rest of the family. I opened the fridge and saw that I had chicken fillet and thought of making a caesar salad. I saw Gea Bakery’s toast bread and as it is big, it immediately inspired me to make club sandwiches! Reading the label, I saw that it is a bread that has fruit sugars instead of plain sugar, is of high nutritional value and without preservatives. In such a bun you don’t want to put processed meats such as cold cuts, you want a more natural option, and the chicken fillet was just right! The second thought, instead of making both a club sandwich and a Caesar salad, was to combine them together in one dish, to save time and make it something imperial, which would compete with the pasticcio that the rest of the family would eat.

In just 15 minutes, Caesar’s ultimate gluten-free Club sandwich was ready and delicious!

Yields1 ServingDifficultyBeginner

Prep Time10 minsCook Time5 minsTotal Time15 mins

Tip: Check off the ingredients you have used in the recipe or note the ingredients you have and add the rest to you shopping list to buy them. - Attention: All ingredients  must be checked that are Gluten-Free and without traces of gluten.

 1 chicken fillet
 4 lettuce leaves
 6 cherry tomatoes cut in half or thinly sliced tomato
 freshly ground pepper
for sauce
 1 clove of garlic
 1 tsp caper
 2 tsp lemon juice or worcestershire sauce or a mixture of the two
 4 tbsp Greek strained yogurt
 1 tsp mustard
 4 tbsp grated cheese like parmesan (I used Greek salty dry mizithra cheese)
 salt (may not be needed due to capers, worcestershire and cheese)
 freshly ground pepper

Abbreviations: g=grams • kg= kilograms • cup=250 ml • tsp= teaspoon=5 ml •  tbsp= tablespoon=3 tsp=15 ml • ml= millilitre= (1ml=0.034 fl oz / 1fl oz=29.6 ml) • l=litre/liter=1000ml


We start by making first the sauce.


Put the capers and garlic in a garlic press. If you don't have a press, chop them as small as you can.


In a bowl, mix the yogurt with the mustard well. Then add all the other ingredients except the salt and mix them very well. Taste it for salt and add or not accordingly.


Put the sauce in the fridge and prepare the chicken fillet.


Ask your butcher to thinly slice your chicken breast fillet like we do for schnitzel. Otherwise, cut it yourself and to make it thin with a meat tenderizer.


Season with salt and pepper and pour a few drops of oil on the chicken fillet (you can add a lot of oil, of course, if you want).


Put a grill-type pan to burn well and as soon as it is ready, put the chicken to cook well by turning it over two or three times. To prevent it from drying out, it would be good to cover it with a lid so that it becomes soft and juicy inside.


Take the baked chicken out of the pan, turn off the heat and while the pan is still hot, add the slices of bread to brown them a little and bring out all its flavor.


When everything is ready, we start building the club sandwich by first spreading the sauce on the slice of bread.


Put half the lettuce, half the chopped cherry tomatoes and half the chicken fillet on top. Spread the middle slice of bread on both sides with the sauce and continue with the rest: chicken, cherry tomatoes, lettuce and finally cover the slice of bread after we have spread it with the sauce.


The most difficult part of the whole process I think is the diagonal cut. So, insert toothpicks for helping to stay in place as you cut this imperial sandwich.


 1 chicken fillet
 4 lettuce leaves
 6 cherry tomatoes cut in half or thinly sliced tomato
 freshly ground pepper
for sauce
 1 clove of garlic
 1 tsp caper
 2 tsp lemon juice or worcestershire sauce or a mixture of the two
 4 tbsp Greek strained yogurt
 1 tsp mustard
 4 tbsp grated cheese like parmesan (I used Greek salty dry mizithra cheese)
 salt (may not be needed due to capers, worcestershire and cheese)
 freshly ground pepper



We start by making first the sauce.


Put the capers and garlic in a garlic press. If you don't have a press, chop them as small as you can.


In a bowl, mix the yogurt with the mustard well. Then add all the other ingredients except the salt and mix them very well. Taste it for salt and add or not accordingly.


Put the sauce in the fridge and prepare the chicken fillet.


Ask your butcher to thinly slice your chicken breast fillet like we do for schnitzel. Otherwise, cut it yourself and to make it thin with a meat tenderizer.


Season with salt and pepper and pour a few drops of oil on the chicken fillet (you can add a lot of oil, of course, if you want).


Put a grill-type pan to burn well and as soon as it is ready, put the chicken to cook well by turning it over two or three times. To prevent it from drying out, it would be good to cover it with a lid so that it becomes soft and juicy inside.


Take the baked chicken out of the pan, turn off the heat and while the pan is still hot, add the slices of bread to brown them a little and bring out all its flavor.


When everything is ready, we start building the club sandwich by first spreading the sauce on the slice of bread.


Put half the lettuce, half the chopped cherry tomatoes and half the chicken fillet on top. Spread the middle slice of bread on both sides with the sauce and continue with the rest: chicken, cherry tomatoes, lettuce and finally cover the slice of bread after we have spread it with the sauce.


The most difficult part of the whole process I think is the diagonal cut. So, insert toothpicks for helping to stay in place as you cut this imperial sandwich.

Caesar’s Gluten Free Club Sandwich
  • The regular recipe calls for anchovies in the sauce. But because most of greeks are not used to these flavors and I wanted more of a Greek Mediterranean taste, I decided to put my favorite caper that I always have in my fridge. An alternative to anchovies is Worcestershire sauce, which contains anchovies, but be careful to find certified gluten-free. When putting this sauce you can skip the lemon juice or put it in proportion, e.g. half and half.
  • For the pepper, I suggest putting mixed green, black and pink peppercorns in a grinder. I always put more of the pink pepper because it has a stronger taste, but without the hot taste.
  • If you like hot taste, you can also add red smoked paprika or bukovo.
  • To make thin the chicken fillet and you don’t have a meat tenderizer or it has mysteriously disappeared like mine did today, then use something else like a metallic coffee mug, like the one I used today. Of course, the best and easiest way is to have the butcher do it for you.
  • Since my grill pan holds 4 slices of bread, I took advantage of it and baked a 4th slice, which I then spread on top of homemade hazelnut praline (see recipe here) and a slice of orange spoon sweet (see recipe here) for my dessert. 🙂

Good Luck and Bon Appétit!!!

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