Gluten-free heart cake for Valentine’s Day. This day is simply to remember our love or is just an occasion for a celebration.
Every day you should celebrate your love with your partner.
This year I also wanted to make a heart-shaped cake for Valentine’s Day. I went to a couple of stores to find a heart shaped cake pan, but there wasn’t any available. Recently, I’ve been watching the Cake Boss reality show with Italian-American Buddy Valastro, who makes cake blockbusters, I was inspired and decided to try to make it myself. But not the huge and complicate ones that Valastro makes. I just wanted to make a heart shaped cake without the help of special utensils. In addition, I wanted to find a very easy way for anyone to do it without special tools. That’s why I’m also giving you a printable pdf file of heart shapes in various sizes to use it as a guide for cutting the cake.
I’m giving you the basic recipe for strawberry chocolate sponge cake, but there are many variations:
For the cream (choose whichever you prefer):
- Simple with heavy cream that I’m giving you below.
- The cream from the “Best ever GF Tiramisu” (see recipe here) with red food coloring.
- The yogurt cream from the “Greek Style GF Cheesecake” (see recipe here) if you want your cake to be a little lighter.
For the filling in the middle, in addition to the cream, you can add:
- Homemade Strawberry Jam (see recipe here) but a ready one from stores will do also. Add it on the cream either by spreading on top, or by spoonfuls here and there as if they were strawberries.
- Fresh strawberries or blackberries or other fruit preferably red ones.
- Grated chocolate couverture.
- Chopped nuts.
- Some of the above in combination or all of the above, together.
At the end I’m giving you a printable Valentine’s card. You print it at A4 size, fold it in half and inside write your wishes for your valentine. But since you may be tired of preparing this cake, I giving you some wishes that you can write:
- “Valentine’s Day is another occasion to tell you how much your presence has beautified my life!
Happy Valentine’s Day my love.” - “I love you not only for who you are, but also for who I am when I’m with you!”
Happy Valentine’s Day my love.” - “Every day I love you a little more than yesterday!”
Happy Valentine’s Day my love.”

Tip: Check off the ingredients you have used in the recipe or note the ingredients you have and add the rest to you shopping list to buy them. - Attention: All ingredients must be checked that are Gluten-Free and without traces of gluten.
Abbreviations: g=grams • kg= kilograms • cup=250 ml • tsp= teaspoon=5 ml • tbsp= tablespoon=3 tsp=15 ml • ml= millilitre= (1ml=0.034 fl oz / 1fl oz=29.6 ml) • l=litre/liter=1000ml
Beat the ingredients of the cream in the mixer and place it in the refrigerator to cool and thicken.
- Alternatively you can make the cream from “Best ever GF Tiramisu” (see recipe here) adding food coloring to make it pink.
- If you want it a little lighter you can use the yogurt cream from the recipe “Greek Style GF Cheesecake” (see recipe here) adding food coloring to make it pink.
Beat the eggs with the sugar very well and add the rest of the ingredients and beat them with a stand or hand mixer for another 3-4 minutes.
In a cake pan with grips, put greaseproof paper on the bottom and lock the top of the form. Cut strips of greaseproof paper and put it around as shown in the photo.
Pour the mixture into the pan and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F for about 25 minutes. Check with a toothpick or a knife. Dip it in the sponge and if it comes out clean, then it is cooked. If not, bake it another 5 minutes and check again.
You have already printed the pdf file I am giving you with the heart designs (you will find it below). Measure the baking pan, so you can find the heart size that is convenient for you. Cut the desire size of both pages. Joined them with an adhesive tape to form the heart.
When the sponge cake has cooled, unmold it. Place the heart shape on top.
Carefully cut the cake with a sharp knife and keep aside the pieces that will not be in our cake.
Cut it also horizontal in half to make the two layers for the cake. The easiest way to cut our sponge cake in half is with a thick thread as I show you here.
Thus you have the two layers for the cakes are ready.
Cut 3 strips of parchment paper and spread it as shown in the photo, on the serving plate. This will help the serving plate stay clean and also you will be able to pull these sheets easily in the end.
Place the bottom layer of the cake on the plate. And also we place only the perimeter part of the form with grips closed. Cut strips of greaseproof paper again and place it around of heart as shown in the photo.
Then add the pieces of cake you removed to make the heart shape. This way it will be wedged and won't move, but it will also be easier to fill it with the cream without it moving or falling out.
Moisten the bottom layer of the cake with liqueur, spread on it the half of the pink cream (that will have cooled and thickened well in the refrigerator). For greater convenience and a more even result, use a piping bag.* (see tip)
Take less than half < strawberry jam (see recipe here for homemade)
and put it on top of the cream either by spreading it, or spoon by spoon here and there as if they were strawberries. Alternatively, you can add grated couverture chocolate or nuts or all of these together.
Place the other layer of the cake on top, moisten it with liqueur/brandy and spread the remaining cream.
On top, spread the remaining < strawberry jam (see recipe here for homemade) evenly.
Without removing the greaseproof paper and the form, place the cake in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving. The longer you leave it, the better it will be.
When it cools down, open the grips of the mold and remove it. Remove the additional pieces of sponge cake. Don't throw them away, see tip what you can do with them.
Carefully remove the greaseproof paper around the cake. If necessary, spread with a marize/spatula around the cake. Then carefully remove the strips of greaseproof paper that are at the bottom of the cake.
And it's ready for your Valentine!
Beat the ingredients of the cream in the mixer and place it in the refrigerator to cool and thicken.
- Alternatively you can make the cream from “Best ever GF Tiramisu” (see recipe here) adding food coloring to make it pink.
- If you want it a little lighter you can use the yogurt cream from the recipe “Greek Style GF Cheesecake” (see recipe here) adding food coloring to make it pink.
Beat the eggs with the sugar very well and add the rest of the ingredients and beat them with a stand or hand mixer for another 3-4 minutes.
In a cake pan with grips, put greaseproof paper on the bottom and lock the top of the form. Cut strips of greaseproof paper and put it around as shown in the photo.
Pour the mixture into the pan and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F for about 25 minutes. Check with a toothpick or a knife. Dip it in the sponge and if it comes out clean, then it is cooked. If not, bake it another 5 minutes and check again.
You have already printed the pdf file I am giving you with the heart designs (you will find it below). Measure the baking pan, so you can find the heart size that is convenient for you. Cut the desire size of both pages. Joined them with an adhesive tape to form the heart.
When the sponge cake has cooled, unmold it. Place the heart shape on top.
Carefully cut the cake with a sharp knife and keep aside the pieces that will not be in our cake.
Cut it also horizontal in half to make the two layers for the cake. The easiest way to cut our sponge cake in half is with a thick thread as I show you here.
Thus you have the two layers for the cakes are ready.
Cut 3 strips of parchment paper and spread it as shown in the photo, on the serving plate. This will help the serving plate stay clean and also you will be able to pull these sheets easily in the end.
Place the bottom layer of the cake on the plate. And also we place only the perimeter part of the form with grips closed. Cut strips of greaseproof paper again and place it around of heart as shown in the photo.
Then add the pieces of cake you removed to make the heart shape. This way it will be wedged and won't move, but it will also be easier to fill it with the cream without it moving or falling out.
Moisten the bottom layer of the cake with liqueur, spread on it the half of the pink cream (that will have cooled and thickened well in the refrigerator). For greater convenience and a more even result, use a piping bag.* (see tip)
Take less than half < strawberry jam (see recipe here for homemade)
and put it on top of the cream either by spreading it, or spoon by spoon here and there as if they were strawberries. Alternatively, you can add grated couverture chocolate or nuts or all of these together.
Place the other layer of the cake on top, moisten it with liqueur/brandy and spread the remaining cream.
On top, spread the remaining < strawberry jam (see recipe here for homemade) evenly.
Without removing the greaseproof paper and the form, place the cake in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving. The longer you leave it, the better it will be.
When it cools down, open the grips of the mold and remove it. Remove the additional pieces of sponge cake. Don't throw them away, see tip what you can do with them.
Carefully remove the greaseproof paper around the cake. If necessary, spread with a marize/spatula around the cake. Then carefully remove the strips of greaseproof paper that are at the bottom of the cake.
And it's ready for your Valentine!
Printable file to help with heart shape
Download the pdf file with heart shapes for your cake by clicking here.
How to: Print the first and second page which are for 7” to 13.4” pans. I have made each number in a different color, hoping to help you more. The next two pages are for smaller cakes or cookies in this shape.
Card especially for Valentine’s Day
Download the Valentine card file by clicking here.
How to: print it on slightly thicker paper in A4 size, fold it in half, write your wish inside and ready!!!

- If it is not very easy for you to cut the cake in heart shape, make it with a pan you have. If you find a heart-shaped form, then even better for you.
- If you don’t have a piping bag (neither did I when I made this cake), fill a freezer bag and snip one corner with a pair of scissors to make a relatively small hole. The piping bag is ready!!!
- The extra pieces of sponge cake we don’t throw them away. We can make with them delicious “Carioces” (see recipe here).
- It doesn’t have to be Valentine’s Day to show your love to your partner. Every day you must show him/her your love!
- I’m giving you the basic recipe for strawberry chocolate sponge cake, but there are many variations:
- For the cream (choose whichever you prefer):
- Simple with heavy cream that I’m giving you below.
- The cream from the “Best ever GF Tiramisu” (see recipe here) with red food coloring.
- The yogurt cream from the “Greek Style GF Cheesecake” (see recipe here) if you want your cake to be a little lighter.
- For the filling in the middle, in addition to the cream, you can add:
- Homemade Strawberry Jam (see recipe here) but a ready one from stores will do also. Add it on the cream either by spreading on top, or by spoonfuls here and there as if they were strawberries.
- Fresh strawberries or blackberries or other fruit preferably red ones.
- Grated chocolate couverture.
- Chopped nuts.
- Some of the above in combination or all of the above, together.

Good Luck and Bon Appétit!!!