A cake, but a savoury one! And gluten free! A recipe that always succeeds! You will eat it all almost immediately! Impossible to resist!
For many years now my husband has been asking me to make a savory cake. For the classic, Moms style two-color sweet cake with or without gluten I know that I always succeed it and my family eats it a lot. But what about a savory one? I’m not a big fan of cheese but with this recipe I went crazy. It’s a very easy recipe! I tried it from Elena’s little hands and immediately asked her for the recipe. Of course, I removed and added some ingredients, as I do in almost every recipe, so that I could adjust it to my liking.
The first recipe was made for the expert (my husband) to try. The second recipe was made with an improvement in the vegetables and I made it in 3 long and narrow cake forms to have time to take a photo of at least one. I did not make it on time! Me, my husband and my son Christos took one cake form each and before I knew it, it was gone. As I have told you, my son Angelos, still has a small color issue with his food and because of the many colored vegetables, he did not want to try it. But the “divine” gluten free fluffy bread I made that day was all eaten by him!

So, in the photo you see the savory cake I made the 4th time, when everyone was away from home. As you understood, not even the 3rd time cake was left over to be photographed.

Tip: Check off the ingredients you have used in the recipe or note the ingredients you have and add the rest to you shopping list to buy them. - Attention: All ingredients must be checked that are Gluten-Free and without traces of gluten.
Abbreviations: g=grams • kg= kilograms • cup=250 ml • tsp= teaspoon=5 ml • tbsp= tablespoon=3 tsp=15 ml • ml= millilitre= (1ml=0.034 fl oz / 1fl oz=29.6 ml) • l=litre/liter=1000ml
Beat the eggs in a small bowl.
Add the oil and yogurt and beat them well.
Sift the flour and baking powder over this mixture and continue mixing.
Add all the remaining ingredients and mix them lightly.
Butter and flour a cake pan or 3 bread & loaf pans size 9X22cm/ 23”X56” inches.
Bake at a preheated oven at 175°C/330°F for about 50 Minutes until get a golden brown color.
Beat the eggs in a small bowl.
Add the oil and yogurt and beat them well.
Sift the flour and baking powder over this mixture and continue mixing.
Add all the remaining ingredients and mix them lightly.
Butter and flour a cake pan or 3 bread & loaf pans size 9X22cm/ 23”X56” inches.
Bake at a preheated oven at 175°C/330°F for about 50 Minutes until get a golden brown color.

- Optional for serving, sprinkle it with grated dry mizithra cheese or parmesan cheese.
- Store it in the fridge after a day (if it is anything left of course) and heat it up a little just before serving.
- You can put whatever cheeses you want and love. With graviera cheese it becomes a little more spicy, with gouda cheese and yellow mozzarella cheese it has a softer taste. I put 1/3 kefalotiri, 1/3 gouda & 1/3 yellow mozzarella once and another time for greater convenience I got a bag from the supermarket with a ready mix of assorted grated cheese.
- You can also do it with cheese and cold cuts that are light ones with less fat. You can use turkey cold cuts for light ones. But you can add sausage, or to make it spicier, you can use bacon. I usually put smoked pork or turkey cold cuts because I like the aroma of the smoked. Also, if you like spicy foods, replace the sweet paprika with a hot one.

Good Luck and Bon Appétit!!!